Business Committee
Business Committee
a) To arrange meetings of Presbytery, coordinate the work of Presbytery through its standing and support committees and generally support the smooth running of the business of Presbytery, all to ensure that Presbytery carries out its duties as a Court of the Church.
b) To deal with any urgent business which arises and was unanticipated but requires action before the next scheduled meeting.
c) To ensure that OSCR regulations and all matters relating to civil and ecclesiastical legislation are communicated and fulfilled by congregations.
d) To ensure that the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) are adhered to and are audited at regular intervals.
e) To take responsibility for risk assessment, risk management and maintain a Risk Register on behalf of the Presbytery.
f) To ensure that Kirk Sessions implement the Church’s Safeguarding Policy and adhere to the Code of Good Practice.
g) To support the Presbytery Safeguarding Officer in recruiting, training and supporting Presbytery Safeguarding trainers and coordinators.
h) To process and make recommendations to Presbytery in regard to applications to all Presbytery Funds.
i) To appoint members of Presbytery to the Connections and Nominations Committee.
j) To respond to potential breaches of the Presbytery Code of Conduct and to take whatever action may be necessary if a material breach has occurred.
k) To disseminate the resolutions, instructions, and deliverances of the General Assembly to congregations and give opportunities for discussion, information sharing and reflection by congregations and other groups regarding the topics and issues raised.
l) To oversee all aspects of communication within Presbytery, including in relation to the website, social media and liaison with the local and national media.