Finance and Stewardship Committee
Presbytery of Perth
Finance and Stewardship Committee Remit
Financial Oversight
Ø Exercise oversight of Presbytery finances.
Ø Manage the Presbytery’s investments and trust funds.
Ø Review and make recommendations to the Business Committee regarding approval by Presbytery of congregational applications for Presbytery Funds and, where necessary, external funds.
Ø Monitor congregational Giving to Grow contributions.
Ø Support the Finance Officer (FO) in informing and encouraging congregations in all aspects of Stewardship to include, for example:
§ Using material provided by the national Stewardship and Finance department
§ Co-ordinating assistance by the national Stewardship Consultants
Ø Promote stewardship by encouraging generous giving of time, talent, and money in all congregations.
Ø Develop a strategy to grow income and ensure Presbytery’s financial sustainability.
Ø Mitigate financial risks by identifying and monitoring appropriate control measures.
Ø Support the FO in producing the draft Presbytery Budget and draft Congregational Assessments (Dues).
Ø Review draft Budget and Congregational Assessments and present to the Business Committee in time for submission for approval at the end of year Presbytery meeting.
Presbytery Accounts
Ø Review the Annual Report and Accounts and make appropriate recommendations to the Business Committee to allow timely submission to Presbytery.
Congregational Accounts and Attestation
Ø Identify a pool of independent examiners and auditors that congregations may call on as required.
Ø Via a subcommittee, ensure annual inspection of Congregational Accounts in accordance with the regulations of the General Assembly concerning congregational finance and the requirements of the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator.
Ø Advise the FO of any issues arising from the inspection of Congregational Accounts so that congregations may be given appropriate assistance.
Dissemination of Financial Information
Ø Where necessary, provide financial information to Presbytery Committees.
Training and Support
Ø Support the work of the FO.
Ø Provide training and support for Congregational Finance Committees and Treasurers, as required, to include ways of helping congregations develop strategies to grow their incomes and ensure financial sustainability.
Ø Create and maintain a database of external grant funding available to congregations.